Mr. Shrikant Salve

Mr. Shrikant Salve

Name  : Mr. Shrikant Salve   
Designation: Assistant Professor

  • PhD (Human Computer Interaction), IIT Guwahati, 2016 (thesis submitted).
  • M Tech (CSE[IT]), VIT Pune, 2010.
  • B E (IT), SRES COE Kopargaon, University of Pune, 2008.

Overview of Profile:

  • Mr. Shrikant Salve is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology. He is currently pursuing PhD in the field of human computer interaction (HCI) and submitted PhD thesis which is under review process. His teaching and research interest is in Human Computer Interface, user experience design & usability engineering and published many papers in international conferences and journals. He was associated with few HCI conferences as reviewer, event secretary and volunteer. He also loves to teach object oriented programming and system modeling & design.

Fore Front Area of Research: Human Computer Interaction and Usability
Email id:
Contact no: 2030253500- Ext.[1200]

Experience: Teaching :03, Research:05

Awards and Achievements

  • Best Teacher of the Department Award

Research / Patents / Publications


  • Recipient of ‘Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship’ to pursuing Ph.D. from Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India (2011-2016).

PhD Thesis 

  • Thesis title: Evaluation and design of efficient Intelligent error limiting interface for rural and semi-urban Indian data entry operators
  • Abstract: With the stupendous rise of Rural-BPOs in India, employment opportunities have increased greatly for the rural/ village youth as data entry operators – which is one of the essential source of earning for them. But, there are many challenges for data entry like- lack of expertise in design of user interface used for data entry, the transcription process (paper to digital) for double entry is costly & time consuming, and poor quality of mobile data entry. However, it is important to maintain quality of data during data entry. Therefore, we are providing ‘error limiting user interface’ for data entry by operators. This user interface provides the error and feedback messages in text as well as audio format in local language the operator speaks. It also provides different intelligent features like- display of auto complete suggestion for text field by ranking strategy based on likelihood, radio button pointed with most likely options and dynamic drop-down menu, to fields on designed interface. This mechanism was empirically evaluated by 224 professional involving, data entry operators working with real data entry in three rural-BPOs and polytechnic students as non-operators situated at Maharashtra which is eastern part of India. The user study of designed interface on sensitive variables like- perceived cognitive load, perceived system usability, user interface satisfaction, willingness to continue usage and relative advantage, have been conducted. The result concludes that, user interface provided with dynamic, predictive, adaptive, learning ability can improve data entry accuracy, save time, decreases users cognitive load and also increases system usability & user satisfaction.

International Journal

  1. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar (2014). Towards proposing an intelligent error limiting User Interface for rural Indian data entry operators, Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 13(4). Retrieved February 4, 2014, from
  2. Shrikant Salve and Ganesh Bhutkar (2011). Heuristic Evaluation of Online Documentation using Qualitative Indicators, International Journal of Computer Applications 36(10):1-10, December 2011. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.


Book Chapters

  1. Shrikant Salve, Shanu Shukla and Pradeep Yammiyavar. (2015). Affect Component and Errors During Numerical Data Entry-A Study. In ICoRD’15–Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1 (pp. 573-583). Springer India. [Online] Available:
  2. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar (2014). A study on efficiency of input devices on native language during numerical data entry, HWWE'14, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN (13): 978-93-392-1970-3, ISBN (10): 93-392-1970-8.


International Conferences

  1. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar, (2015). Quantitative Probabilistic Widgets as a Method to Improve Usability Performance of Data Entry Tasks, presented as International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment HWWE 2015 at IIT Bombay on 6-9 Dec.2015.
  2. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar (2015). Trade-off between time and error during numerical data entry by rural / semi-urban Indian users, National Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Control, "NCMOC - 2015", 4th-6th March 2015, Organized by Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.
  3. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar. (2013). Influence of local ‘language’ in data entry errors: A pilot study in the rural Indian setting. Human Computer Interactions (ICHCI), 2013 International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1,4. [Online] Available:
  4. Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar (2012). Study on need for ‘online help’ in virtual labs. Proceeding of Symposium on Human Computer Interaction Design in Virtual Environments at Department of Design, IIT Guwahati, 2012.

National Conferences

  • Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar (2015). Trade-off between time and error during numerical data entry by rural / semi-urban Indian users, National Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Control, "NCMOC - 2015", 4th-6th March 2015, Organized by Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.

Papers submitted for Journals

  • Shanu Shukla, Shrikant Salve, Sanjram Premjit K. & Pradeep Yammiyavar. “Does Emotion Modulation Influences Speed-Accuracy Trade-off in Numerical Data Entry Task?” Submitted for Journal of Computational Cognitive Science, under review.
  • Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar, “An intelligent GUI tool for the use of rural Indian data entry operators for training in error reduction”, Submitted to Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, under review process.
  • Shrikant Salve and Pradeep Yammiyavar, “Can Dynamic Widgets Improve Data Entry Efficiency?”, Submitted to ICoRD-2017, under review