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MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi road, Pune - 412 105, Maharashtra (India).

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ETMDIT 2024 conference is organized to bring together people from various fields to share their ideas, views and thoughts on Machine Learning, Data Science and Internet of Things. Original Unpublished papers are solicited at the 1st International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Machine Learning, Data Science and Internet of Things (ETMDIT-2024). Papers are not allowed to be submitted in parallel to any other conference or to any other Journal.The conference invites papers on the following topics but not limited to:


Track 1. Machine Learning

Learning in knowledge-intensive systems
Learning Methods and analysis
Learning Problems
Machine Learning models and applications
Machine Learning Recommender systems
Machine Translation
Neural Networks
Machine Learning System Design
Machine Learning Optimization.
Deep Learning

Track 2. Data Science

Big Data
Business Data
Data Analytics
Data Management
Data Mining
Data Science and Machine Learning
Generative AI
Hybrid Machine Learning Systems for Data Science
Natural Language Processing
Social Network Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Spatial Analytics

Track 3. Internet of Things

IoT in Agriculture
IoT in Healthcare
IoT for connected and autonomous vehicles
IoT systems for human-machine interaction, including generative AIs
Decentralization and blockchain for IoT systems
IoT systems for Sustainability
IoT data marketplaces
Digital twins and digital twin networks for IoT systems
Analytic foundations and theory of IoT
Secure and privacy-sensitive IoT systems
Reliability, timeliness, and robustness in IoT systems
IoT-motivated cyber-physical and Industrial IoT (IIoT) systems

Paper Submission And Publication

Authors are requested to submit the complete manuscript through Microsoft CMT login. Accepted papers will be published in Following Bentham Science Book series OR will be recommended for Publication in one of the following Scopus Indexed Journals.

  1. Scopus Indexed Bentham Science Book series:
  2. Journal Name: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences(Special Issue)
    Publisher:University of Kragujevac
    Website Link:
  3. Journal Name: Fluctuation and Noise Letters
    Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
    Special Issue: Exploring the Interplay of Fluctuations, Noise, and Complexity Metrics within Networks
    Website Link:
  4. Journal Name: Discover Computing
    Publisher: Springer
    Special Issue: Medical imaging decision support system using Deep Learning and Machine Learning algorithms
    Website Link:
  • Acceptance is solely at the discretion of the Journal editors.

  • Authors are expected to carefully consider and address comments and suggestions from both experts provided by Conference organising committee during the peer-review process.

  • Formatting as per the template of the journal and following the author guidelines is the responsibility of the authors, failing which may lead to rejection.

Paper Submission Guidelines

  • Only registered delegates can attend the conference. To include the selected papers in Conference Proceedings, at least one author has to register and present his/her paper at the conference.
  • If multiple authors of selected papers wish to attend, they are requested to register separately & and will not be entertained as accompanying persons.
  • Registered candidates cannot claim a for refund their absence from the conference.

Paper Submission Link