- Winners of National Entrepreneurship Challenge(NEC), IIT Bombay,
- Winners of the best startup club award by Wadhwani Foundation, 2019,
- Recognition of the Institute as Host Institute (HI) / to setup/establish Business lncubator (BI) for implementation of the scheme namely 'Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs through lncubator.'
- Band B Rank 26-50th' in the Self Finance Private Institute Category, in the ARIIA rankings,
- 11 Startup teams from MITAOE have won ''Certified Potential Real Venture" by global jury.
- MITAOE got approval as a host institute for setting up Business Incubator under MSME-BI
- 4-Star performance in year 2019-20 at Institute Innovation Council (IIC) an Initiative of MHRD-GOI, etc.