About School of Chemical Engineering
The School of Chemical Engineering was established in the year 1999 with intake of 60 students. The course syllabus of the school has been designed by keeping in mind the Chemical Engineering syllabi of various international institutions. The course syllabus contains a combination of theory courses as well as laboratory experimentation. This inculcates a habit of relating observations to fundamentals. In addition, the students spend six –eight weeks in industry during their vacations, so as to update themselves with real life industrial situations. In doing so, they get an opportunity to apply theory to real –life problems. The students are also made to do independent projects, seminars and home papers. This develops their independent thinking and creative ability. It helps them to analyze a given problem through various angles and synthesize innovative engineering solutions.

The undergraduate program of Chemical Engineering is accredited four times ( Three times in Tier-II & one time in Tier-I ) by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). School is well known for its student centric activity via various events like seminar, conferences, workshops, guest lectures, industrial visits, add-on courses etc. conducted throughout the year to enrich the students’ knowledge and contribute towards bridging the gap between the curriculum and industrial requirement. The students graduating from the School of Chemical Engineering are well placed in profession both in India and abroad. Also, a good number of students pursue higher studies in India as well as in other countries like USA, Europe.