Mr. Santosh Devidas Khawale

Faculty / Industry visiting faculty

B.E. (Production), M.Design (IIT Bombay, India),
M.S. (Strategic Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)


Santosh Khawale, is the founder of an India based design collaborative DesiColab. Engineer turned Designer and Social entrepreneur, Santosh adds a new dimension to the use of tools and techniques of design thinking and Innovation in the context of social change and startups in India. His is passionate to empower young innovators and change makers with Design Thinking approach.

He is an aluminous of IDC, IIT Bombay where he completed his masters in Industrial Design. Working for four years as a lead industrial designer in a renowned company Forbes Marshall, Santosh left his job in 2009 and went on his journey to explore new dimensions of design and its application. He pursued his second masters in Strategic Design at University of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. After his masters there he worked as an independent design and innovation consultant in Italy for few years. He has been recipient of Social Business Plan Award and recognized for his projects by Italian Manufacturers Association as well as European Union’s Cluster Collaboration Platform. He has been awarded fellowship of University of Bergamo, Italy for research in Design and Innovation field. During his tenure at University of Bergamo he worked on various research projects and carried out MSME design and innovation consultancy assignments. He played crucial role in developing various software tools for researchers and innovators that are based on TRIZ methodology.

Santosh is currently focusing on promoting DesiColab’s approach to Educational institutes, Incubators, Foundations in India and also working with grass root level young innovators and change makers to build innovative ventures.