From the Director's Desk

Dr. Yogesh. J. Bhalerao

Director, MIT Academy of Engineering



At MIT Academy of engineering the students experience learning through exploration, activities, project-based learning, group experiences like faculty-led classes, student-led independent studies and co-curricular activities ranging from highly structured engineering competition teams to service organizations and social clubs by pursuing new ideas and passionate pursuits. Learning in all of these contexts is fun and inspiring, and it lets students work on things they are excited about. These activities inspire creativity and equip students to use what they’ve learned to make a positive impact on the world we live in. This is made possible through highly qualified, experienced, and motivated faculty with a sense of purpose. The institute’s serene atmosphere, infrastructure that keeps abreast of global standards, excellent academic facilities, and outstanding residential environment richly add to the perfect ambiance for studies and thereby help us achieve the exacting standards of academic excellence. There is a problem with undergraduate engineering education. The traditional curriculum is too narrow; it teaches students how to solve problems, but not how to find the right problems to solve, or how to get their solutions out of the laboratory into the real world. The recent conferring of academic autonomy upon us by the UGC has opened up the doors of a vast array of opportunities to excel further. Our syllabi meet high standards with a focus on the multi-disciplinary approach to education, industry requirements and overall personality development. We aim to give our students a complete educational experience thereby transforming them into well-groomed professionals.

We understand the maxim that the students are the primary stakeholders of any educational institute and that everyone else only plays second fiddle. The underlying philosophy of MITAOE education can be summarized in the famous one-liner filled with wit and wisdom; from Mark Twain, “I never allowed my schooling to interfere with my education”. Degrees can be obtained from a university, but not knowledge; goods can be purchased from a market, but not reputation; money can buy almost everything but not character.

Students who get admitted to MITAOE are put through the principles and practices of engineering that are in-built in the curriculum. As they accumulate knowledge, the amount of ignorance that they carry also unfolds. This is where the real education begins for a grown-up; moulding and shaping him or her to understand and appreciate the world around oneself. A sense of humility, simplicity, and modesty gets inculcated into the personality of everyone. These are the qualities that make a man stand up to this world of fierce competition and challenges. To accomplish this, we offer numerous personality development programs like discourses on spirituality, lectures on extra and co-curricular activities, etc. We assure that every new student who spends four years at MITAOE is transformed into a matured adult who can stand up to any challenge in his personal or professional life and confidently declares “I can and I will do it the right way”.