Center For Excellence In Learning-Teaching


A key component of any academic institute is the Teaching-Learning process. A teaching and learning center in any academic institute is committed to providing support to teaching faculties to enhance the new dimensions of the Teaching-Learning process. Unlike school teaching, there is no specific degree or diploma programme for college teachers to train them for the teaching-learning process in higher education. Therefore, the role of a Teaching-learning center in any institution of higher education is very important.

The quality of Teaching-Learning Process of any higher educational institute depends on the quality of the way faculties are delivering the contents, assessing the students’ learning, and adopting the outcome-based education process. To empower the faculties of MIT Academy of Engineering in the said area, Center for Excellence in Learning-Teaching (CELT) has been established. The main role of CELT is as facilitator to provide facilities of training of basic teaching-learning process to newly recruited faculties and additionally facilitate environment to experiment innovative pedagogical, assessment and evaluation techniques in line with outcome-based education. CELT focuses its methodology to groom all the faculties in all the dimensions of teaching-learning and encourage them for instructional design, student engagements, assessment design, project/problem based learning and technology-driven approaches, which may further lead to innovation and research in teaching-learning. Apart from this, it also aims to train and motivate faculties to use the technology and ICT tools in the online or blended teaching-learning process.


The philosophy of CELT at MITAOE is ‘Identify, Train, Design, Implement, Share, and Appreciate’ (ITDISA). CELT first identifies the training needs of the teaching faculties and then provides opportunities for training through Global certification, National certification, Faculty Development programmes, etc. Further, it provides facilities and an environment for the teaching faculties to design and implement the learned techniques and even experiment with new techniques in the teaching-learning process.

Dr. Usha Verma
Assistant Professor, School of E&TC Engineering,
Head, CELT (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching)
MITAOE, Alandi (D), Pune.
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