Governing Body


Dr. Sanjay Dhande

Padmashree Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande, former Director of llT Kanpur, is an innovative technologist, an acclaimed academician, an eminent researcher, a visionary institution builder and an able administrator, whose contributions are acknowledged not only in India but also in many other countries.

Dr. Sunil Karad

Dr. Sunil Karad is the Executive Director of MIT Group of lnstitutions. He is an educationist, scholar and a visionary leader.

Prof. Anant Chakradeo

Prof. Anant Chakradeo is the Dean of MIT Institute of Design and Director, International Relations for the MIT Group of Institutions.

Member Secretary

Dr. Yogesh J. Bhalerao

Dr. Yogesh J. Bhalerao is the Director of MIT Academy of Engineering (MITAOE), Pune

Dr. B.B Ahuja

Dr. B.B. Ahuja is the former Director of the renowned College of Engineering, Pune (coEP)
University Nominee

Dr. Sunil Bhagwat

Dr. Sunil Bhagwat, Deccan Education Society, Ferguisson College

UGC Nominee

Dr. Mrs. Manju Singh

Dr. Mrs. Manju Singh is the Secretary of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of lndia
Government of Maharashtra Nominee

Dr. Aditya Abhyankar

Dr. Aditya Abhyankar is the Professor & Dean of the Department of Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)

Dr. Prashant Kumar

Dr. Prashant Kumar Indian lnstitute of Technology, Kanpur


Mr. Prakash Jagtap

Mr. Prakash Jagtap is the Chairman and Managing Director SAJ TEST PLANT PVT. LTD.

Prof. B. P. Sabale

Dr. B. P. Sabale is the Ex. Vice Chancellor. YCMOU, Maharashtra
Member Faculty Representative

Dr. Dipti Sakhare

Professor and Dean, School of Electrical Engineering, MITAOE


Dr. Mahesh D. Goudar

Dr. Mahesh D. Goudar is Professor in School of E&TC Engineering
Member Faculty Representative

Dr. Suyogkumar Taralkar

Dr. Suyogkumar Taralkar is Associate Professor in School of Chemical Engineering and Dean Quality Assurance