Regional Drone Championship
Press Conference Dated 29/06/2022, 12.30 pm to 1 pm at Patrakar Bhavan,
BIAG Drone weightlifting & Drone Race Championship at MITAoE, Alandi Pune
Pune 29 June 22: MIT Academy of Engineering is organizing the Pune, BIAG (the Board of International Aviation Games) Regional Drone Weightlifting & Pune BIAG Regional Drone Race Championship competition at its campus from 28-30th July 2022. The competition is a part of the 2nd National Drone ranking series being conducted Under the aegis of BIAG India by ASFU( Aviation and Space Federation for Universe). The information was given at a press conference addressed by President,Org. Committee & Director MITAOE, Dr Mahesh Goudar and Chief Advisor Dr Karbhari V. Kale, VC, SPPU, Pune From BIAG, Addressers are Lt. Gen. K.J.Singh, State Information Commissioner, Govt. of UT,Chandigarh), Prof. Vinay Pathak, VC, Kanpur University, UP. Govt., Dr Amita Dev., VC, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Government of Delhi.
The competitions being organised includes
1) Drone Race (Nano/Mini) (500 gm Drone + 300 gm Batteries = Total 800 gm.)
2) Drone Weight Lifting (1.5 kg including Batteries.) From
In Drone Racing, the participant will have to go through some obstacles without crashing or without touching the obstacles which are in the form of squares, Rectangle, Cross Fitted Square, and circle-shaped objects. The obstacles in the arena will necessitate the participants to manoeuvre the drones horizontally as well as vertically.
For Drone Weight lifting the participants will have to lift objects of certain dimensions and carry them up and down and take a circular turn and put the piece at the desired location.
The intercollegiate competition will have teams with three members each. Undergraduate students of any stream ( Technical & Nontechnical ) are eligible to participate.
Lt.Gen KJ Singh, Member Presidential Board and an Ex Indian Army Commander intimate about the uses of Drone at all places along-with good management & skill development for students related to higher education.
Dr Karbhari V. Kale, VC, SPPU, Pune, said that drone is an emerging technology and students will get first-hand experience of how newer technologies can be applied to solve common problems. Apart from the application of technical knowledge, such competitions also bring out the spirit of teamwork amongst the participants.
Dr Pathak, Member Presidential Board, Utter Pradesh & VC , Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur informed about a development of aviation Games in UP and also stated about establishment support by Govt. of UP, He said, about UP and how Kanpur educational sector promoting Projects related to Drone, Robotic, Youth Affair and Sporting projects in their state to support National Aviation & Space program.
Mr Ashu Gupta, Executive Director, BIAG, India informed that the Board of International Aviation Games, India is an integral part of ASFU has designed a series of various projects and now starting activities in India for the youths, as suggested by the World federation for India which includes Computer sports (AI, Robotics & UAV and soon adding more), Those who are triumphant in these competitions will get to participate in forthcoming international & world UAV/ Drone championships in coming time.
Dr Amita Dev, Member Presidential Board, Delhi & VC IGDTUoW, Government of Delhi informed about how she is promoting Aviation Games in national capital through nearby higher educational sector and how Govt. of DelhiNCT, She informed that IGDTUoW is promoting Projects related to DOROTICS (Drone & Robotic), Youth Affair (Beauty & Dance projects) and Sporting projects like regional level event, which is a part of 3rd World Walkathon & Min Run, to support National Aviation & Space program through KHEL KHEL MAI PAARAHI concept.
Dr Mahesh Goudar, Director, MIT AOE, Pune, said that the use of drones presents great possibilities for the students to apply technical knowledge to solve day-to-day issues in various applications related to industries, agriculture,, health-care geotagging of land records, disaster management, agriculture, tourism, film, photography, entertainment and defence. This shall also bridge the gap of shortage of skilled drone operators. We look forward to an exciting competition ahead. He also added that, if VC Karle Sir and BIAG support us to conduct more projects at national level, we may like to grab and execute in Pune.
Press conference took place at Patrakar bhavan on 29 June 2022 at 12.30 pm to 1 pm .
Following press reports were present for the press conference
C News Cable
Dinman Cable
Pune Satta
Pune Metro
Bharat Diary
dayinpune online B
UNI network
Details of new publications with dates till 4/07/2022
Sr. No. | Name of the paper | Date of Publication |
1. | Sakal | 30/06/2022 |
2. | Maharashtra Times | 30/06/2022 |
3. | Navbharat Times | 30/06/2022 |
4. | Bharat Diaries | 30/06/2022 |
5. | Kesari | 1/7/2022 |
6. | Saanj Samachar | Italy |
7. | Vishwdarpan | 1/7/2022 |
8. | Hum Nava | 1/7/2022 |
9. | Daitva | 1/7/2022 |
10. | Maharashtrawadi | 3/7/2022 |
11. | | 3/7/2022 |
12. | PuneVrittadarshan C news | 29/06/2022 |
Press news is published by 12 different newspapers and media including Sakal, Maharastra times, Navbharat times many others.
Press Clippings till 4/07/2022 are as follows:
Pune Vrittadarshan: