Dr. Mahesh D. Goudar
NAME : Dr. Mahesh D. Goudar
QUALIFICATION : Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering
Dr. Mahesh D Goudar is presently spearheading MIT Academy of Engineering (MITAOE), Pune (Maharashtra, India) as the Director and is contributing to the academic rigour as a Professor in the School of E&TC Engineering. He is an enthusiastic engineering educator with adaptive styles of teaching, sizeable research experience, rich depth and breadth of knowledge and excellent communication skills. As a champion of both administrative and academic excellence, Dr. Mahesh D Goudar is continually reforming engineering education.
FORE FRONT AREA OF RESEARCH : Mechatronics, Engineering Education, Photovoltaics, Design Thinking.
EMAIL ID : mdgoudar@mitaoe.ac.in, director@mitaoe.ac.in
CONTACT NO : 020-30253500 (Extension - 1002)
EXPERIENCE :TEACHING : 19.5 Years, Industry : 13 Years
Received Life Time achievement award for Ideal Teacher at the hands of Dr. Vishwanath Karad Sir on the occasion of Teachers day, Sept. 2016.
Best M.Tech Project at CEDT, Aurangabad.
Felicitated by FICCI at 6th Global submit at Delhi for contribution to the development of skill.
Represented India in the capacity of expert and mentor for the skill of Electronics at World skills International 2013, Leipzig, Germany, World skills Russia 2014, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Represented India in the capacity of expert and mentor for the skill of mobile robotics at World skills International 2015, Saupolo, Brazil, Euro-Skills 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Represented India in the capacity of expert and mentor for the skill of mobile robotics at World skills International 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Received Medallion of Excellence at World Skills 2017 (Mentor)
World skill International Expert with special responsibility for the skill of Mobile Robotics and Electronics.
Recognized PG teacher (SPPU, Pune), Recognized Ph.D. Guide, (SPPU, Pune). Engineering, Pune, 28 - 30 Dec. 2006.
- IEI : Institution of Engineers (India) Fellow F- 1184960-9
- IETE : Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Fellow F - 182427
- IEI : Institution of Engineers (India) Chartered Engineer AM 81084/6
- ISTE :Indian Society for Technical Education Life Member LM 46700
- ISA: International Society of Automation Member 000033272843.
- IET: Institution of Engineering and Technology Member 1100663514
- BCUD - SPPU : DSP based Grid Connected Photovoltaic System for Electrical Appliances, UOP, Pune, No. BCUD/14, Dated: 10-01-2008, 1.5 Lakhs
- NSDC - WSI 2013 : Development of Test Project for the skill of mobile Robotics for world skills international competition - 2013, Leipzig, Germany, NSDC, Festo and Nex Robotics, 2013, 19.45 lakhs
- NSDC - WSI 2015 : Development of Test Project for the skill of mobile Robotics for world skills international competition - 2015, Sau Paulo, Brazil, NSDC, National Instruments and Nex Robotics, 2015, 10.50 lakhs
- BCUD - SPPU : Development of Embedded Platform for Summarization Algorithm, BCUD, SPPU, 2014, 1.0 Lakhs
- NSDC - WSI 2017 : Development of Test Project for the skill of mobile Robotics for world skills international competition - 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE, NSDC and National Instruments,10.00 lakhs
Vrushali U Waghmare, MD Goudar, “An Overview of Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods under Partial Shading Condition of Photovoltaic System", in International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences (ISSN2349-4476), Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 665-673, Jul. 2017.
Sneha Patil, M D Goudar, “Review of Energy Harvester for low power wireless devices", in IEI, Technical Journal 2016, (ISBN No. 978-81-924990-4-8), Vol. 40, pp. 351, Nov. 2016.
Akash Chavan, M D Goudar, “An 880 MHz to 960 MHz Gallium Nitride Power Amplifier for GSM Base Station", in IEI, Technical Journal 2015, Vol. 39, pp. 165-167, Nov. 2015.
Manisha H Gholve, M D Goudar, “Highway Track congestion detection using magnetic and piezo sensor", in IEI, Technical Journal 2014, Vol. 38, pp. 165-167, Nov. 2014.
Patil Y S, M D Goudar, “Implementation of Photovoltaic System for wireless irrigation", in IEI, Technical Journal 2014, Vol. 37, pp. 152-155, Nov. 2013.
Dhoke N S, M D Goudar, “Implementation of Hybrid approach to MPPT algorithm using MSP430 microcontroller", in IEI, Technical Journal 2014, Vol. 37, pp. 141-146, Nov. 2013.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Adaptive MPPT based approach for single-phase AC Photovoltaic modules under partial shading conditions", in Int. J. of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering. ISSN: 2249 - 071X, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 362-365, May 2012.
Deepti Kulkarni, M D Goudar, “Application Specific Routing Protocol in WSN", in IEI, Technical Journal 2012, Vol. 36, pp. 74-79, Nov. 2012.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “A review of improved maximum peak power tracking algorithms for photovoltaic systems", in International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET) (ISSN 0976-6545), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 72-94, Oct. 2010.
Shweta, M D Goudar, “End to End delay optimization in wireless sensor network", in IEI, Technical Journal 2012, Vol. 35, pp. 49-55, Nov. 2011.
MD Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Adaptive MPPT Based Photovoltaic Electronic Ballast for Lighting System", in IEI, Technical Journal 2012, Vol. 35, pp. 80-82, Nov. 2011.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “A review of improved maximum peak power tracking algorithms for photovoltaic systems", in International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET) (ISSN 0976-6545), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 72-94, Oct. 2010.
Pankaj Warkey, M D Goudar, “Optimization approach to water and Energy Management using WSN" in Int. J. of advance Management, Tech. and Engg. Sci. (ISSN: 2249-7455), Vol. 1, No. 12, Sept. 2012.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Neuro-Fuzzy Controller Algorithm for obtaining Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System for Dynamic Environmental Conditions", in Int. J. Electr. Electron. Engg. Res. (IJEER) (ISSN: 2250-155X), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-11, June 2012.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Hybrid Approach to Maximum Peak Power Tracking Algorithm", in Int. J. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. R. and Development (IJEEERD), ISSN 2248-9282 (Print), ISSN 2248-9290 (online), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-11, April 2011.
R. M. Goudar, S. J. Wagh, M D Goudar, “Data Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for Mobile Devices", in Int. J. of Res. in Engg. Sciences and Tech. (INJOREST), Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 2011.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Review of Topology for Maximum Power Point Tracking Based Photovoltaic", in International Journal of Research in Engineering Science and Tech. (INJOREST) Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 35-41, Feb. 2011.
R. M. Goudar, S. J. Wagh, M D Goudar, “Secure Data Transmission using Steganography Based Data Hiding in TCP/IP", in ACM Journal, ISSN: 978-1-4503-0449-8, pp. 974-979, Sept. 2010.
M D Goudar, Vishal H. Shah, “Microcontroller based optimized controller for fruit drying ", in Journal of Instrument Society of India, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 13 - 17, Mar. 2009.
Vrushali U Waghmare, M D Goudar, “Exploration of partial shading condition in the photovoltaic array", in IEEE International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS) (978-1-5386-1887-5/17), pp. 931-936, May 2017.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Adaptive MPPT Algorithm for a Distributed Wireless Photovoltaic Based Irrigation System", in Int. Conf. Dev. Commun. (ICDe-Com), (ISBN: 978-1-4244-9189-6), Mesra, pp. 1-4, Feb. 2011.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “A Single-Phase MPPT Based AC photovoltaic Modules Under Partial Shading Conditions.", in National Conference on Frontiers in Electronics, Communication and instrumentation technology. (FECIT 2011), ISM, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, pp. 75- 79, Nov. 2011.
] R. M. Goudar, S. J. Wagh, M D Goudar, “Secure Data Transmission using Steganography Based Data Hiding in TCP/IP", in Int. Conf. and workshop on emerging trends in Tech. 2011, Feb. 2011.
Gurdeep Singh, Yuvraj Rathod, M D Goudar, “Simulation of MPPT algorithm using MATLAB for Solar D.C. Water Pump", in 23rd National Convention for Agriculture Engineers at MPKV, Rahuri, India, Feb. 2010.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Design and Implementation of MPPT using a microcontroller for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System", in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Embedded System and VLSI (NCETEV-09), Pune, India, Dec. 2009.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “DSP Based grid-connected Photovoltaic system for Electrical Appliances" in Regional Conference for Pune University College Teachers (INNOVATION 2009), pp. 36, Pune, Dec. 2009.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Simulation of a 500W PV system for AC Load with protection circuits", in National Conference on Engineering Applications of Mathematics (NCEAM 2009), Pune, India, May 2009.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Performance of Photovoltaic system connected to a Battery and DC Load", in National Conference on Engineering Applications of Mathematics (NCEAM 2009), Pune, India, pp. 27, May 2009.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Simulation of P and O MPPT algorithm using MATLAB for D.C. Motor Load", in Proceedings of Int. Conf. - ITECH 09, Sangamner, India, pp. 1 - 10, March 2009.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, V. Kumar, “Simulation of P and O MPPT algorithm using MATLAB for a resistive load", in Pravara International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Loni, India, pp. 936 - 941, Dec. 2008.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “DSP Based grid-connected Photovoltaic system for Electrical Appliances" in Regional Conference for Pune University College Teachers (INNOVATION 2008), pp. 36, Pune, Nov. 2008.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Simulation of MPPT algorithm using MATLAB for PV array" in National Conference on Engineering Applications of Mathematics (NCEAM 2008), Pune, pp. 55-56, May 2008.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Review of Safety and Protection for Grid-connected Photovoltaic System" in National Conference on the Emerging, Trends in the Photovoltaic Energy Generation and Utilization, held at I.I.T. Kanpur, Pune, pp. 29-30, Mar. 2008.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Review of Power Quality Problems in Grid-connected Photovoltaic System" in National Conference, ETSPC-2007, Pune, pp. 221-225, Dec 2007.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Behavioural Modelling of AC Photovoltaic module using PSpice" in National Conference on Advances in Materials and Devices for Renewable Energy Sources, Jaipur, Rajasthan Pune, pp. 106-111, Dec 2007.
M D Goudar, R. M. Goudar, “Applications of Mathematics in Region-Based Fractal Image Processing" in National Conference on Engineering Applications of Mathematics, Pune, pp. 36-37, May 2007.
R. M. Goudar, M D Goudar, “Region-Based Fractal Image Compression using Adaptive merging and Heuristic Domain Search " in National Conf. Organized by Institute of Technology Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 470-473, May 2007.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Engineering Trends in High-Efficiency PV Solar cells" in National Conference on Emerging Trends Engineering (NCETE-2006), Manipal, India, pp. 1-5, Dec. 2006.
M D Goudar, Vishal H Shah, “Microcontroller based optimized controller for fruit drying" in National control instrumentation system conference (CISCON 2006), Manipal, India, pp. 1-5, Nov. 2006.
M D Goudar, B. P. Patil, “Vision India 2020 {Possible Only with Sustained Rural Development" in ISTE National Conference on Technical Education, Technology Transfer to Rural India And Sustainable Development, Nanded, India, pp. 1-5, Mar. 2006.
Vishal H Shah, M D Goudar, “Fiber optic-based sugar and pH Sensor" in National conf. on Adv. Communication Techniques (ACT 2005), Bhilai, India, pp. 425-430, Feb. 2005.
R. M. Goudar, M D Goudar, “Fractal compression by adaptive merging process" in National Conf. on Adv. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, Osmanabad, India, pp. 425-430, Feb. 2005.
B. P. Patil, S. S. Sonavane, Mahesh D. Goudar, “Emerging Trends in Embedded System and VLSI - NCETEV-09", National Conference organized by MIT Academy of Engineering in association with University of Pune, 21 - 23 Dec. 2009.
B. P. Patil, R, B. Tiwari, Prabha Bhosge Mahesh D. Goudar, “National Conference on Engineering Trends in Electronics (NCETE 2006)", National Conference organized by MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, 28 - 30 Dec. 2006.