The axes : maths club

The Maths Club of MITAOE formed its strong and powerful base in April, 2019. The official formation of this uprising club took place in August, 2019 with the hard work and dedication of all the club members. And now this is one of the most astonishing and successful club of MITAOE.
The club was originated with the eagerness and willingness of the 1st year students under the blissful guidance of the mathematics faculty member: Ms. Priti Shinde. The crystallization and erection of the club was done by conducting the first event: “Integrad(zione)”. This event was organized by the club members and was the first mathematics event of MITAOE which was successful in one go.
This marking achievement of the club led it one step closer to its development. With the great, exciting and modish ideas, the club is going to provide the enthusiastic and willing participants various chances and a bright platform to show their talent, skills and passion for mathematics. The club is going to up-bring the gems, the ignited minds and the sharp brains.
The club has satisfactorily conducted two exhilarating and vitalizing events based on Integration, titled: “Integrad(zione)” and other based on Calculus, titled: “Calculus Cluster”.
The introductory event of the AXES, which led the mathematics family to establish its base was held on 13th, April, 2019. This event led MITAOE have its core technical club of mathematics. This leading event set a new and successful base of mathematics and rejuvenated the enthusiasm and willingness for mathematics in the students and elated them with the joy to unbox their talent and gave them a platform to excel. This inter-college event for 1st year students led them to plot a graph carving their development and progress while competing with their same age level ones. This led them close towards various ignited and sharp minds and made them able to realize their position at state level as students of different well-reputed colleges of Maharashtra had participated. The event was lit! There were around 150 sharp mind, ready to show their ability and skills. Their eyes were filled with eagerness and they were ready to jump in the arena. The start was successful and the ending was remarking with MITAOE achieving the first position.

The glam was eye pricking. With the increasing rounds, face-off was done to get the sharpen brain a step ahead to victory. This all went till 5 pm in the evening and was started in the morning at 10 am. The event was a great success and was appreciated by the respected director of MITAOE, all the learned staff-members and the fellow students of MITAOE. This event made a great and amazing impression of our college in the heart and soul of all other college students and made MITAOE proud! This was mesmerising event and the main objective of this event was to make students of different college aware of their position while they compete with different sharpen minds and create a foundation step for the AXES.

It is the second event of the AXES. This intra-college accomplishing event was held on 7th,September, 2019 for 1st and 2nd year students. There were around 180 energetic and willing participants, with flame in their eyes and their hands ready to solve the quest. The competition started around 10 am in the morning and with the increasing interest and suspense it went till 6 pm in the evening. The competition had various rounds full of suspense. It had a normal start and with the increasing levels the height of logic increased and there was a need to tighten the grip and set for a higher pace. Groups were formed and few rounds gave the need for face-off. As the competition was high between the sharpen minds, few additional rounds were included as: “Let the best Win!!!”. The level and quality of the competition was praised by the worthy judges and by the soulful participants we were having.

This created a creamy layer of mathematics in the hearts and minds of the new pillars of 1st year that we are having with us. This was the first technical event for the freshers and was a healthy and head-on competition for the 2nd year students also. We had all the three glamorous and talented winners from first year. The competition was a great achievement for the AXES family and also for the MITAOE. This led a sparkling and tough base for all other up-coming events. The main motive of this particular event was achieved, that was to make the freshers a bit close towards the powerful, creative and fun world of mathematics, to ignite their minds, to fill them with enthusiasm and awake their soul.

A guest lecture was organised on 20th September, 2019 on “Applications of Mathematics”. This was purposely organised for 1st year students to make them aware about what engineering actually is and what is the tremendous role of mathematics in all the rising areas and branches of engineering. The lecture was taken by respected and learned professor, Dr. Pramod Kumar Bagade. He has teaching experience of 15 years and has done 6 research projects. With over-flowing information, dedication and kind-heart, he invested his precious time for us all to make us closer to the real life application of mathematics, its beauty and uniqueness. The guest lecture was quiet informative and interesting. It was appreciated by all and formed a new base of eagerness and willingness in the heart and soul of all the students present there. The lecture started at 3 pm and went for 2 hours. The 2 hours journey was worth and elated our soul and gave us new vision to see the magnified and broad world of mathematics. The lecture was successful and our guest was happy and over-whelmed to see the eagerness and enthusiasm in the future pillars of our nation.

The main motive of the AXES, mathematics club, is to encourage, inspire and up-bring the talented and willing minds. It would always provide them with the platform where they can show their talent and prove themselves and would always help them to rejuvenated their mind and eagerness towards the creative, informative and fun world of mathematics.