About IIChE Students Chapter:

IIChE student chapter of School of Chemical Engineering is honoured with “Pidilite Industries Best Student Chapter Award” for the year 2013 for being adjudged the Best Student Chapter among all other student chapter under Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. SCHEMCON – 2015 was successfully organized by the chapter in September 2015 on the theme ‘Sustainable Development for Better Tomorrow’. It was for the first time in western region.

About PRAKALP 2024:

PRAKALP, a prestigious technical event organized by the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) Students’ Chapter School of Chemical Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering (MITAoE). This event has a remarkable history of bringing together passionate chemical engineering enthusiasts and industry professionals for knowledge exchange and skill enhancement. As a highly significant event in the field of chemical engineering, PRAKAP has consistently served as a platform for fostering innovation, promoting sustainable practices and shaping the future of the chemical engineering landscape. With each passing year, PRAKALP continues to elevate the standards of excellence, making it an unmissable event for all aspiring engineers seeking to make a mark in the world of chemical engineering.

About Theme:

PRAKALP 2024 will revolve around the pivotal themes of "Green Technology" and "Sustainability," aiming to highlight the crucial role that chemical engineers play in advancing eco-friendly solutions and driving sustainable practices across industries. Green Technology and Sustainability form an interwoven connection that champions innovative solutions to protect the planet's delicate ecosystem. Embracing renewable resources and sustainable practices, green technology aims to create a cleaner and healthier environment for all living beings. Energy-efficient buildings, powered by smart grids and integrated with green roofs, exemplify a harmonious coexistence between nature and human-made structures. This technical event is centred around the theme of green technology and sustainability serves as an inspiring platform to showcase the latest advancements in eco-friendly innovations and their potential to shape a sustainable future.