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- Garg, A., Ruhatiya, C., Cui, X., Peng, X., Bhalerao, Y. & Gao, L,” A Novel Approach for Enhancing Thermal Performance of Battery Modules Based on Finite Element Modeling and Predictive Modeling Mechanism”, Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 1 May 2020, In: . 17, 2, 11 p., 021103.
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- Ruhatiya, C., Shaosen, S., Wang, C., Jishnu, A. K. & Bhalerao, Y,” Optimization of process conditions for maximum metal recovery from spent zinc‐manganese Batteries: Illustration of Statistical based Automated Neural Network approach”, Energy Storage Materials, 20 Nov 2019.
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- Simultaneous Cooling and Cleaning Mechanism (Indian Patent file No: 202121051495).
- Convertible Electric Scooter And Luggage Carrier (Indian Patent file No: 202221007239)
- Automatic Bead Ball Bearing Sorting Machine (Indian Patent file No: 202221007417)
- Domestic Electric Vehicle Charging Station(Indian Patent file No: 202221015289)
- Determining Machine downtime of Lathe Machine using IOT based system (Indian Patent file No: 202221015288)
- Grass Cutter (Indian Design Application No.: 367059-001).
- AI Based Human Assistant Robot (Indian Patent file No: 202221037829).
- Electrolyte Level Monitoring System using IoT. (Indian Patent file No: 202221039247).
- Smart Spectacles (Indian Design Application No. 365850-001).
- Water Cooling System using Peltier Effect(Indian Patent file No: 202121046626)
- Simultaneous Cooling and Cleaning Mechanism for Solar Panel(Indian Patent file No: 202121051495).
- Automatic Windshield Cover Assembly for Parked Vehicles (Indian Patent file No: 202121028815)
- Visitor's Statistics (Indian Patent file No: 202121009114)
- CNG/LPG Leakage Detection System (Indian Patent file No: 202121009115)
- Semi-submersible Semi-Automatic Floating Trash Collector Application (Indian Patent file No: 202121008262)
- Tool for Touch less Operations(Indian Patent file No: 202021057485)
- Dr. P.S. Kalos has filed two copyrights successfully, title: Inventory carrying Pick and Place Robot.
Copy Right registration Numbers:
5079/2021-CO/L - 1st ApplicationB
5080/2021-CO/L - 2nd Application - Smart Water-Saving System and Method(Indian Patent file No: 202021052233)
- System for Filtration and Heat Recovery from Exhaust Gases of Generator Diesel Engine using Vapour Adsorption Cooling Technique (Indian Patent file No: 202021041403).
- Smart Bottle with Water Quality Analysis and Method of Operating the Same (Indian Patent file No: 202021044542).
- Smart Traffic Management System and Method for Emergency Vehicles(Indian Patent file No: 202021034999).
- Apparatus and method for detecting Thermal conductivity of Metallic rods (Indian Patent file No: 202021026210).
- System and Method for Automatic Switching of Headlight Beam of Automobiles (Indian Patent file No : 202021026111)
- Puran making machine (Patent file No 202021020202).
- Battery Life Management System and Method (Indian Patent file No 2020210053).
- Water Distribution Method and System , (Indian Patent Application No: 201921036651)
- Remotely Operable System and Device for Emergency Medical Services (Indian Patent Application No.: 201921021159).
- System and Method for Detecting Audio Feedback and Performing Action Thereupon (Indian Patent Application No.: 201921021618).
- Puncture Assistance Device for Easy Movement of Two Wheeled Automobile (Patent file No 201921030007).
- An Apparatus and method based on use of Linear Interpolation for automated Drip Irrigation system in Agriculture using Wireless Sensor Network (Patent File No. 201721024152)
- An improved ubiquitous system & method for automated drip irrigation in agriculture using wireless sensor network (Patent File No. 20748)
- Efficient Technique for Spectrum Hand-off Delay Minimization (Patent File No. L-59332)
- Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network (Patent File No. 3004/MUM/2014 A)
- Method for Blur Detection and Correction for Images (Patent File No. 3829/MUM/2013 A)
- System for Diagnosis of Blood Sugar Index (BSI) To Eliminate Effects of Ailments On Body Organs (Patent File No. 201621000884A)
- System for measuring temperature of work piece in machining operation (Patent File No. 3021/mum/2015)
- Temperature measurement technique for combined face and shoulder grinding operation (Patent File No. 201721017212)
- Fuel Blender for use in gasoline engine (Patent File No. 201721008392)
- Unique and Innovative apparataus with Manual driven system and method for carrying water (Patent File No. 22323)
- An apparataus with Unique method system for easy fastening and removal of screws (Patent File No. 22322)
- Mechanism for removing Leaves and thorns from rose flower stem (Patent File No. 201921005801)
- Briquetting of agricultural residues to substitute the conventional fuels (Patent File No. 201921005805)
Research Projects are funded by various apex bodies.

Science and Engineering Research Board Government of India

All India Council for Technical Education

Department of Science & Technology

University Grants Commission

Board of Research In Nuclear Sciences

Savitribai Phule Pune University