Workshops & Training Programs conducted related to research and IPR
Workshops & Training Programs conducted related to research and IPR
30/01/2020 | Lecture for Faculty on “Research Paper Writing” organized by Central Library and RnD Cell. Speaker were Mr Dhanu Pattanshetty from IEEE. |
21/04/2020 | Webinar on Introduction to Turnitin Software by Mr. Adnan |
28/04/2020 | Webinar on Demonstration of Turnitin features by Mr Varun |
06/06/2020 | Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights Protection through Patent by Dr Shri Ram, Nodal Officer, IPR Cell, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab. |
13/06/2020 | Webinar on “Devising Communication Strategy for organization” by Prof. Shantanu Ganguly, Fellow and Program Manager, Knowledge Resource Division, Project Management Unit, TERE, New Delhi. |
17/06/2020 | Webinar on “Research Data Management: Curation, Share, Use and Reuse”, Prof Dr. Ramesh Gaur,Dean and Director, Kala Nidhi Division, IGNCA, Ministry of Cuulture,Govt of India, New Delhi. |
20/06/2020 | Webinar on Maximizing Visibility and Impact of Research output, Dr Nabbi Hasan, IIT Delhi. |
23/06/2020 | Webinar on “Publication Ethics and Predatory Journal”Dr Shubada Joshi, Coordinator , Centre for Publication Ethics ,Dept. of Library and Inf. Sc., Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
30/09/2022 | Two Days Workshop on Patent Drafting. |
3/2/2023 | National Webinar on Intellectual Property Awareness |
17/2/2023 | Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop |
Webinar on “Technical Paper Writing”
Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised an expert lecture on “Technical Paper Writing” for Faculty on 30/01/2020 at 3:00 pm in D010. The Speaker of the lecture was Mr Dhanu Patanshetty of IEEE who has expertise on various research databases and indexing.
In this lecture Mr. Dhanu Pattanshetty discussed about various research databases like Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC , IEEE Xplore ,Science Direct and DOAJ. He also shared the information related to indexing of journals. SCImago, SAJR , impact factor, Cite Score were also discussed . After this Mr Patanshetty gave a walk through to their IEEE search engine. How to search and article, number of citations, h index in IEEE database.
Webinar on Introduction to Turnitin Software by Mr. Adnan
Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised a expert lecture on “Turnitin Plagiarism Software” for Faculty on 21/04/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was Mr Adnan from Turnitin Software. The lecture was attended by faculty of MITAOE.
In this webinar Mr. Adnan discussed the importance of plagiarism. He gave a walk through to the entire Turnitin software. He explained in detail various features of the software besides plagiarism check.
Webinar on “Introduction to Turnitin Software” by Mr. Varun
Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised a expert lecture on “Introduction to Turnitin Software” for faculty on 28/04/2020 at 5:00 pm . The Speaker for the webinar was Mr. Varun from Turnitin Software. The lecture was attended by faculty of MITAOE.
In this webinar Mr Varun shared the step by step procedure of operating Turnitin software for plagiarism check. He discussed in detail about similarity index, color coding for different sources. He also discussed about self plagiarism, ramifications of keeping manuscript in repository, retrieval of manuscript from repository.
Nation level Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights Protection through Patent

Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised a expert lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights Protection through Patent” for Faculty on 06/06/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was by Dr. Shri Ram, Nodal Officer, IPR Cell, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab.. The lecture was attended by 223 faculties across pan India.
In this webinar Dr Shri Ram shared information of different types of Intellectual Property Rights like Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. He disseminated information related to different patent search agencies like WIPO, EPO, JPO, KIPO, SIPO, and USPTO. In detail he explained different steps for national and international patent filing.
National level Webinar on “Devising Communication Strategy for Organization”

Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised an expert lecture on “Devising Communication Strategy for Organization” for Faculty on 13/06/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was by Prof. Shantanu Ganguly, Fellow and Program Manager, Knowledge Resource Division, Project Management Unit, TERE, New Delhi. The lecture was attended by 165 faculties across pan India.
In this webinar Dr. Shantanu Ganguly spoke about different aspects of knowledge Management like Knowledge Networking, KM Value Analysis, and Change management across different cultures globally. He gave information related to various knowledge management systems, database management systems and devising communication strategy and content management.
National level Webinar on Research Data Management: Curation, Share, Use and Reuse”.
Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised an expert lecture on “Research Data Management: Curation, Share, Use and Reuse” for Faculty on 17/06/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was Prof. Dr. Ramesh Gaur, Dean and Director, Kala Nidhi Division, IGNCA, Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, New Delhi. The lecture was attended by 470 faculties across pan India.
Dr. Ramesh Gaur explained importance of research data management in research process. His talk was focused on how to create, organise, preserving and extracting the research data. Research data management concerns about organisation of data from entry of research cycle to its archiving of results.
National Webinar on “Maximizing Visibility and Impact of Research output”

Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised a expert lecture on “Maximizing Visibility and Impact of Research output” for Faculty on 20/06/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was Prof. Dr. Nabbi Hasan, IIT Delhi. The lecture was attended by 431 faculties across pan India.
Dr Nabi Hasan spoke in detail about different research databases and indexing. He discussed about Web of Science, Scopus and its transformation with time. He shared information related to calculation of Citation index, H index, Impact factor and Cite score. He shared the importance and methods of visibility of research.
National Level Webinar on “Publication Ethics and Predatory Journal”

Research and Development Cell in association with Central Library had organised an expert lecture on “Publication Ethics and Predatory Journal” for Faculty on 23/06/2020 at 5:00 pm. The Speaker of for the webinar was Dr. Shubada Joshi, Coordinator, Centre for Publication Ethics, Dept. of Library and Inf. Sc., Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. The lecture was attended by 474 faculties across pan India.
Prof. Dr. Shubada Joshi Ethics in research and various types of ethics. She explained role of UGC in curbing plagiarism. What steps UGC has taken to create awareness about ethics and plagiarism in research publications. Dr Joshi spoke about different predatory journals, ways to find predatory journals and its effect on research.
Two Days Workshop on Patent Drafting.
On 29th and 30th September 2022, a workshop on patent drafting was jointly organized by IIC-MITAOE, R&D Cell and Central Library. The aim of the workshop was to give step-by-step training to students on patent drafting. 21 project groups with patentable idea/prototype from different disciplines of engineering were identified. These groups participated in the two days’ workshop. The resource person mentored them during the entire duration of the workshop. Finally, 21 patents were ready to be filed.
Date: 29th & 30th September 2022.
Time: 9.30 AM – 4:30 PM
Resource person: Mr. Abhishek Magotra, Advocate (Patent and Trademark Attorney), Managing Partner at MS Law Partners, New Delhi
Number of student attendees: 68
Number of faculty attendees: 5
Venue: Project Lab, H-304, 3rd floor, SCET, MITAOE, Pune

National Webinar on Intellectual Property Awareness
on 3rd February 2023, the Innovation Council of MITAOE organized an online webinar on intellectual property awareness. This session educated attendees on intellectual property awareness and clarified what is intellectual property and its importance, briefing on how copyright and trademark work and what is covered under them, how GI tags allow us to identify goods from a specific region, applications, and uses of SICLD, and explained what is a patent and career opportunities in it.
Keynotes of the session:
- What is intellectual property?
- Importance and understanding of copyrights, trademarks, GI tags, SICLD, and patents.
- Career opportunities.
Date: 3th February 2023
Time: 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Speaker: Mr. Saurabh Kumar (Examiner of patents and designs, NIPAM officer)
Number of student attendees: 49
Number of faculty attendees: 10
Mode of conduction: Online

Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop
On 17th February 2023, Innovation Council of MITAOE organised a workshop on Problem Solving and Ideation. It helped attendees to have a different point of view towords problems in personal & professional life as well .
Keynotes of the session :
- What are the problems we face in our daily life?
- What are the problems an entrepreneur/innovator may face ?
- How to tackle these problems in an effective way ?
- How to develop ideas to avoid problems ?
Date: 17th February 2023
Time: 3.30 PM - 5.30 PM
Speaker: Dr. Prafull Hatte (Dean, Research & Development MITAOE)
Number of student attendees: 32
Number of faculty attendees: 3
Mode of conduction: Offline

Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), entrepreneurship and skill development during 2017-18 to 2021-22
Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), entrepreneurship and skill development during 2022-23