The mega competition in which over 300 colleges professional college magazines compete to be the best. AjaanVriksha has been honored three times as the Best Cultural Magazine in the SPPU in six years since its inception.

AV’15 ‘Being the Beacon’ got the second-best professional college magazine award by SPPU.

AV’17 ‘Broken Castle’ got the best professional college magazine award by SPPU.

AV’18 ‘Rising from The Ashes’ got the best professional college magazine award by SPPU.


A state-level literary conference held at Bal Gandharv Rang Mandir by the name of ‘PratibhaSangam’ from 19th to 21st January 2018 in which AV’17 got the Best College Magazine award.

There were many events organized including writing and recitation of Himdi and Marathi poems. 32 participants from our college took part in that event and bagged many prizes.

In 2019, AjaanVriksha also participated in Cultural Competition atNakshatra 2019 where the team performed a skit on different issues related to the LGBTQ+ community including the discrimination they face in the society.

Amongst all of these big achievements, AjaanVriksha has always been one of the most active teams in the college. Many artwork exhibitions, photography exhibitions were displayed in association with other clubs. AjaanVriksha had also set up many stalls in different events that were organized during Nakshatra and on different club events.


1. Event Name - AjaanVriksha Day
Date - 16th November 2018

Every team member choose the day of 16th November 2018 to celebrate it as the day of creativity as the team believed that AjaanVriksha is synonymous to being creative. There were different events which served as a platform for the students to show their creative skills. The winners were rewarded with coveted prizes like books, trophies, keychains, etc.

Some notable events

  • Photo Mania
  • Cryptics
  • Art
  • Open mic
  • Meme lords

2. Event Name - Inkit
Date - 15th October 2019

Ajaanvriksha conducted an article, essay and poem writing competition on 15th October 2019 to provide a platform to budding writers of college in all genres in English, Hindi, and Marathi. Also workshop on creative and technical writing was conducted by our team members, Avinash and Satyata. The workshop helped the participants in polishing their writing skills. Topics were given on the spot and participants were encouraged to express their imaginations, views in the most creative manner. This event was conducted in collaboration with E-Cell, MITAOE.

The winners of this event are -

  • VinayakUmate (BTech. Mechanical)
  • Pradesh Lolabhattu (FY Chemical )
  • P.Abhilash (BTech. Computer)
  • OmkarS.Gijare (TY Mechanical)

3. Event Name - AjaanVriksha Day
Date - 21st January 2020

The 2nd annual AjaanVriksha Day was celebrated at the Takshashila lawn of MIT Academy of Engineering on 21st January Tuesday. It marked the second celebration of the yearly festival celebrated in the honor and recognition of the AjaanVriksha team, the magazine club of MITAOE. The team celebrates this day to remind students of the kid within the budding engineers that they are. The kid that dreamt of being an artist or poet or even a dancer or singer. So the day celebrates those possibilities and reminds the students that they are more than the career choices they make.

Some notable events :

  • Performances by Goonj, Menace and Under25
  • Open mic
  • Stalls by E-Cell, Robocon club Invictus, the literary club, the Maths Club and SRUJAN
  • Inkit winners facilitation

4. Event Name - ‘Yasan’ Marathi novel Seminar
Date - October 15, 2019

A seminar on Marathi literature aspects around Marathi novel ‘Yasan’ was conducted. The seminar was graced by the presence of eminent Marathi novelist, critic Dr. ShripalSabnis, who has been the former president of ‘AkhilBharatiya Marathi SahityaSammelan’, 2015. Other dignitaries included Dr. DattatrayGholap, Mr. VishwasWaghmode, Prof. VishramDholeand the author of ‘Yasan’ novel, Mr. DnyaneshwarJadhawar. The event was coordinated by MITAOE NSS, AjaanVriksha, Literary club and Arts elated club.