Benefits of Online Education during Pandemic

The current pandemic has triggered new methods of carrying the teaching-learning process online. While for some people, it was a small change, but for the others, it was a significant change. Schools, colleges, and universities worldwide have equipped themselves with the new trend by adopting the latest technology for carrying out educational processes. With the benefits of online education during pandemic, learning seems to have become easier and safer for students from all over the world.

Pros of Online Education

With the coming up of e-learning platforms, there is a lot of debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning platforms. The points below highlight the benefits of online education during COVID-19:

Effective sharing of learning material.

Sharing the learning material during the e-learning classes has become more comfortable. The teachers and professors can easily upload the necessary documents, videos, e-books, presentations, etc. on the online portals for the students.

The educators can also schedule a time when the students can access the documents. This has caused the learning process to become more impactful. The teachers and students can join the same platform and work on the materials as per the instructions. This is also beneficial for reducing the miscommunication as the documents can be accessed at any time.

Monitor the activity of the students.

With the boost of e-learning during the pandemic, students need to log in to their e-learning platforms to take their classes. After they log into their online portal, the system marks their login time as their attendance. This helps the teachers to monitor the discipline of the students towards their virtual classes.

The teachers record the activities of the students during virtual classes. This feature enables the teachers to check their efficiency and learning from online classes.

Improved learning evaluations.

Gone are the days when you had to be physically present for appearing for an evaluation. With comfortable and seamless online learning platforms, the teachers can test students' learning abilities by conducting tests, quizzes, or even final exams.

The tests can be of different and flexible formats, like multiple choices, true/false, fill in the blanks, sequences, image matching, etc. The teachers can also attach various types of media like voice recordings, videos, pictures, and the test. Apart from that, with unique software, teachers can keep a check as to whether the students are cheating or not.

Complete performance reporting for students.

One of the best benefits of online education during the pandemic is the comfort that it has provided to the students and teachers. With an effective e-learning platform, students can easily appear for their evaluations. Once they submit their examination, the system records and assesses their submissions and automatically generates reports that help the teachers know each student's performance. It encompasses various aspects like the students' punctuality, task completion, presence, quality of tasks, and the test results. Apart from that, the system also prepares insightful reports for the teachers to understand the students' performance better.

Want to study Engineering during the pandemic?

If you aim to become an excellent engineer, no one can stop you from achieving your dream. MIT Academy of Engineering or MITAOE is a well-known engineering institute in Punethat provides a holistic environment for students to learn and grow. The institute is equipped with the best technology and teachers who make the learning process more accessible, even during the pandemic. MITAOE makes sure to make your dreams come true!