Online Education And Its Impact

COVID-19 has seen a severe online education impact on institutions that had to shut down the classical face-to-face classes and move to virtual learning- as a measure to stop the spread of the virus. Imagining engineering without practicals might sound bizarre, but virtual classes are the need of the hour.

But how have online classes impacted the engineering world? - Consequent changes

Virtual Classrooms

There is no face-to-face interaction, and thus the whole learning system is dependent on information technology. According to a 2020 survey, more than 46% of educational institutions use virtual teams for teaching. Top autonomous engineering college in Maharashtra; MITAOE and many other colleges from various states have opted for the virtual form of teaching, and so far, there have been no complaints regarding it.

Virtual Labs

Laboratories are a fundamental part of engineering as it is all about learning and excellent implementation to build a new world. Thus due to the impact of coronavirus on education, online platforms have been created using artificial intelligence to facilitate performing experiments without any physical reach.

Online Courses

Remote internships and courses are taking over. Statistics show that more than 33% of students are enrolled in at least one online course with an ongoing college course.

Has Virtual Learning been Beneficial?

The benefits of online education during the pandemic have been far more than our imagination.

Added Flexibility and Fast-Paced Learning

Now students don't need to skip their plans because of the compulsion of attending physical colleges. With online learning, students can attend classes from anywhere they want. It also facilitates watching the recorded lectures anytime the student wants.

Better Time Management

As the students have the facility of creating their schedules, they admire the time management it facilitates. Students say that they can better balance life, work, and family. The students can work anytime and from anywhere till they meet the deadlines.

Demonstrated Self-Motivation

Your ability to complete online degrees indirectly flaunts your time management skills, communication skills, ability to meet deadlines, and dedication- and a recruiter looks for all of these during placements. This online learning system makes you independent, eager to look into problems, and arms you with the ability to steal opportunities and this is what an employer expects from his recruits.

Improved Virtual Communication

Improves your leadership skills, decision-making skills, ability to present your idea differently in the physical and online forms, and many more. In this type of learning system, you communicate using emails which also improves your writing skills. So far, online education impacts have not been very destructive.

A Wider Global Perspective

As you can join from any location, there is no limitation on who can join. Thus engineering events today include international participants thereby giving a world-class experience and education. This also improves your ability to adjust to people of different cultures and countries instantly.


This has eliminated the need for actual brick classrooms and thus redefined academic economics. This is one of the good impacts of virtual learning.

You Learn a completely New Set of Skills

Until completing your graduate course, you become an expert in the online training system, conduct online meetings, have tech skills, and be a good writer.

Refined Critical Skills

Online learning forces you to think out of the box and gives you enough time to go to the depth of every topic without any time commitment.

As we can see, online classes have been much more advantageous than we expected.