Functions of CELT
Activities CELT
Faculty Orientation Programs 2025E
One-Week Faculty Orientation Program for newly recruited faculty members of MITAOE
Slot 1: 1st - 7th January 2025, No. of participants: 14
Training Modules – Basic Pedagogical Practices, Blended / Online Teaching-Learning, Question paper framing and TOS, Basic OBE process, LMS (Moodle), ERP, ISO, Academic Quality Records, Awareness about Accreditation and ranking (NAAC, NIRF, and NBA), Central library facilities, R&D, IPR, and Consultancy.

One-Week Faculty Orientation Program for newly recruited faculty members of MITAOE
Slot 1: 4th – 8th March 2024, Total participants – 21
Slot 2: 26th – 30th August 2024, Total Participants – 18
Training Modules – Basic Pedagogical Practices, Question paper framing and TOS, Basic OBE process, LMS (Moodle), ERP, ISO, Academic Quality Records, Awareness about Accreditation and ranking (NAAC, NIRF, and NBA), Central library facilities, R&D, IPR, and Consultancy.

One-Week Faculty Orientation Program from 17th – 21st July, 2023 at MITAOE
- Participants: Newly recruited faculties (Joined since January, 2022 to the date of the event) 40 faculties attended the program
- Moodle course was created and every training module was followed by assessment activity.
- Training Module – Basic Pedagogical Practices, Question paper framing and TOS, Basic OBE process, LMS (Moodle), ERP, ISO, Academic Quality Records, Awareness about Accreditation and ranking (NAAC, NIRF, and NBA), Central library facilities, R&D, IPR, and Consultancy.

Faculty Conclave 2024
The Faculty Conclave 2024, held on 2nd December 2024, was a collaborative effort by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), the School of Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Civil Engineering at MITAOE. Centered around the theme "Pedagogical Innovations for 21st-Century Skills," the event showcased the creative teaching-learning practices of faculty members, highlighting strategies designed to prepare students for the demands of the modern world.
Jury Panel Experts
1. Dr. Sophia Gaikwad, Head of the Symbiosis Teaching Learning Resource Centre,
2. Dr. Namrata Kamble, Associate Professor at the School of Education and Research, MITADTU.
A total of 19 teams of faculty members presented in the 6 tracks and the best presentation was awarded in each track.
Best 6 case studies are awarded by Jury panel.
- Instruction Design and Student Engagement: Mrs. Bhagyashree Ravindra Alhat, Dr.Sunita Barve, Dr. Kalpana Pawase, Dr. Pritam Kalos, Pranali Lokhande
- Assessment and Evaluation: Mr. Nilesh Baglekar
- Problem and Project-based learning: Mrs. Diptee Ghusse, Dr. Sunita Barve
- Technology-Driven Teaching-Learning: Mrs. Pranali P. Lokhande, Mrs. Bhayashree R. Alhat, Mrs. Kavitha S
- Outcome-based Education: Mrs. Aswathy M A, Dr. Vipin P Yadav, Dr. Usha Verma, Dr. Dipti Y Sakhare
- Creative Teaching-Learning: Dr. Vaishali Wangikar, Mr. Vinayak Kulkarni, Dr. Puja Verma

Faculty Conclave 2023 on 7th July, 2023 at MIT AOE campus
Theme Encompassing NEP2020 in Teaching-Learning
Jury Panel Experts
- Dr. Sushma Kulkarni, VC, NICMAR University and Editor, Journal of Engineering Education Transformation (Scopus Indexed).
- Dr. Vikas Shinde, Director of Centre of excellence in Project-based Learning, at Vishwaniketan iMEET. Ph.D. in Project-Based Learning (PBL) from Aalborg University Denmark in the year 2014, under UNESCO chair in PBL.
- Dr. Briju Thankachan, Executive Director of EdTech Society to improve instruction and learning through the use of educational technologies. PhD in Instructional Technology from Ohio University, USA.
Total 19 case-studies are presented related to Teaching-Learning
Best 5 case studies are awarded by Jury panel.
- Instruction Design, Students engagement and OBE- Dr. Vrushali Waghmare
- Problem and Project-based learning – Dr. Maya Charde
- Assessment and Evaluation – Dr. Prafulla Hatte
- Technology Driven Teaching-Learning - Mrs. Kalpana Pawase
- Creative Teaching-Learning – Dr. Sneha Pokharkar
All the presenters were appreciated with Certificate of appreciation for their initiatives in Teaching-Learning Pedagogies and Assessment methods.

Two-week Online Faculty Development Program on 'Effective Techniques for Online/ Blended Teaching-Learning & E-content Development' from 22nd June to 5th July, 2024
Resource Person: Dr. Yogendra Pal, PhD in Educational Technology from IIT Bombay, Assistant Professor, Educational Technology, NIIT University, Neemrana, Alwar, Rajasthan
Total participants: 33 participants from Engineering
Objective: To equip the faculty members competent with the skills to create E-content for asynchronous delivery and to teach effectively in synchronous online/ blended learning environment for the various aspects of the teaching-learning process.

Three days FDP on 'Best Pedagogical Practices for Effective Teaching Learning Process' on 13-15 Jan 2023 at MITAOE campus is organized in offline mode.
Resource person: Dr. Urmila Kar, Professor in Education & Management and FIC (Faculty in charge) of Academics at NITTTR, Kolkata.
Total participants: 37 participants from Engineering and Design.

International FDP on ‘Synergizing Problem & Project based learning and Design Thinking’ on 2-3 March, 2023 at mITAOE in hybrid mode.
Chief Resource Person: Deepak L. Waikar, Managing Partner, EduEnergy, Singapore.
Total participants: 25 participants from Engineering and Design

Three days FDP on 'Best Pedagogical Practices for Effective Teaching Learning Process' on 13-15 Jan 2023 at MITAOE campus is organized in offline mode.
Resource person: Dr. Urmila Kar, Professor in Education & Management and FIC (Faculty in charge) of Academics at NITTTR, Kolkata.
Total participants: 37 participants from Engineering and Design.

Five Days FDP on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Project Based Learning (PBL) on 14th, 15th , 18th , 21st and 22nd December 2023
Objective: To equip faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Outcome-Based Education (OBE) principles and Problem & Project-Based Learning (P2BL) through hands-on activities, fostering effective teaching and heightened student engagement.
Objective: To equip faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Outcome-Based Education (OBE) principles and Problem & Project-Based Learning (P2BL) through hands-on activities, fostering effective teaching and heightened student engagement.
Resource Persons:
- Dr. Vikas Shinde, PhD (PBL) from Aalborg University Denmark in the year 2014, under UNESCO chair in PBL, Director of PBL-Centre of Excellence, Vishwaniketan iMEET, Khalapur.
- Dr. Shaila Subbaraman, PhD (IIT Bombay), Retd. Professor, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, Worked as NBA Evaluator.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction to OBE, Defining Objectives and Outcomes, Policies for CO-PO mapping with strength of mapping, Teaching-, Learning styles, strategies and methods, Assessment and Evaluation.
- Case-study presentations, interaction and suggestions on existing PEOs, PSOs, COs, Mapping, teaching pedagogy, Internal assessment, MSE-ESE Question paper and CO_PO attainment.
- OBE Process at MOTAOE and discussion on it.
- Need for changing towards PBL: Perspectives on Teaching Learning Practices.
- PBL Principles, PBL Curriculum Design Principles and practice, PBL Models.
- Course level: Problem Design and selection, Rubric design
- Poster Presentation, Team activity, Design Activity and feedback.